1% Better Production-Ask the Expert, Problem Solving As A Habit!

Coming up on July 20th, we will be hosting our third webinar of the free series “1% Better Production”. Our guests for this webinar on Wednesday, July 20th from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EST are Roberto Delgado and Erin Radke from mlean. Ask the experts specific questions about how to make problem solving become a habit. Join us for a conversation about how to improve your production!


Roberto Delgado Marcos (CEO & Co-Founder at mlean)- LinkedIn Page


Erin Radke (Customer Success Specialist at mlean)- LinkedIn Page

Topic: Problem Solving As A Habit

Roberto and Erin will share their experience and knowledge on how they make problem solving a habit by using the mlean Production System and how it has helped them to become more efficient.

Ask the Experts:

Submit your questions for Roberto and Erin and get expert advice on how you can make problem solving a habit!


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